I'm willing to admit, I wouldn't call myself a writer, but here I am. I'm motivated to do this so that those I love and more specifically, for those that love me (and my husband and our child), know what I and my husband want as gifts for the impending birth of our first child.
[A little sidebar here, my husband doesn't actually know what we want or why, but he does trust me to know. I like to add him out of respect and love!]
I also want to warn folks that this blog may, at times, become more of a list than a literary quest. It is my goal to let you know what I want, why I want it, and hopefully, where you can find it. I want everyone to keep in mind that if you can find what we've requested elsewhere for cheaper, from a more environmentally friendly source, or gently used, by all means follow that path. Another aspect that can be negotiable is color (I (we) like blues and greens and natural stain, as you can tell from our house interior, but some antique pieces from Rob's family are a dark stain and Rob's favorite color is orange *shrug*), be it in fabric, paint, pattern, or stain, I'll try to list a preference, however, if it's cheaper in another color (it happens on e-bay) - I can hardly argue against saving a few dollars over a color. Gender specific colors are cute, but unnecessary. No matter the gender, baby'll have Seahawks and Mariners garb!! Oh, yeah, we won't be finding the gender out until birth, so the official baby shower will be after baby is born! (At least I thought so until my Aunt announced that she was going to throw one for us in June, she said we can have another after if we want.)
I want to point out that the most important aspect is the "why". Why we do want one thing, why we do not want others. I am continually looking into toxins in the home and the environment, living simply (more a goal, than a reality at this point), and over all, what I want to teach our child(ren).
When considering items for purchase, please take a look at Washington Toxics Coalitions to find products that are listed as the safest options of whatever it is that you are looking to gift. I want everyone to remember that just because it's on our store shelves, doesn't mean that it's safe. Over the last few years, we've seen toys, bibs, food, cribs, and medication removed from our stores and I promise, we'll see more.
There will also be items that we don't want. We intend to bed-share with our child, therefore, we're going to be getting a larger bed, not a crib. I want a Family Sleeper, which is my preferred for on a regular basis, it's made from natural safe materials and even has recycled water bottles as part of the make-up, for those nights that baby doesn't sleep with us, a play yard will work. Also, I intend to "baby-wear", carry the baby in a sling while doing other stuff, whether baby is awake or asleep. See the pictures above. I'm looking forward to having a small play yard, but haven't picked one out yet, I want to look them up on Consumer Reports.
Now,if it isn't listed here as something we want or don't want, it may be because we haven't thought about that particular "thing". Please feel free to ask us or someone we'll list later as another reference (in case you want it to be a surprise!). In looking at our lists, I would hope that some things would be "no brainers", if we sleep with the baby and I'm wearing the baby the majority of time, do we need one of those one way listening devises often found in nurseries? Probably not, but, I would like a selection of cloth slings and a couple for daddy!
Now the big question for me: someone will inevitably gift something that we don't want or need. Do we, after politely expressing gratitude in front of others, give it back to you with an explanation of why we don't want/need it, and ask that you return it (this will allow you to get your money back [as I will only get store credit], save me the trouble of a return, and allow me to inform you of our requests)? Or, do I grin and bare it, hope that I can find a store that will take it back (if there isn't a gift receipt), and then try to find something from the store that we actually want, with the potential of this repeating with every gift giving opportunity? I'm leaning towards gentle honesty with the excuse of pregnancy having shortened my polite stick! Of course, I'll take it as it comes. You'll have to excuse me, I'm already cantankerous.
Well, I feel that I've been my overly honest self already. I hope I still have friends and family who will see the benefit in my requests and even if they don't, respect me enough to follow through on them!
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