Thursday, March 6, 2008

#7 Comprehensive List

I'm going to make a list of the items that I've listed in previous blogs and which blog you can find the info regarding each one. This way when I think of something to add, I'll add it to this list and it'll be the only one gift givers will have to really recheck! I'll try to list them in the order that I would/will buy them for myself. If I hear that someone is getting or has gotten me something from the list, I'll make a note! ALERT: I've found a website that allows you to create a personalized gift registry that doesn't keep you in one store!! Our visitor code is monkey. You can enter either my or Rob's name to find our list. I'm trying to find a piece of clothing or a toy that is more an example of the site than an absolute request for myregistry. Also, if you have a question about something, maybe something that isn't on the list, please feel free to contact one of my bestest friends, Tina at she's willing to be my go-to-girl!!

body pillow/birth ball - blog 4 -BOTH PURCHASED!
cloth menstrual pads - blog 4
doula - blog 4- COVERED, MOSTLY
birth pool - blog 4 - GIFTED
bras - blog 4
cloth diapers - blog 3/5
cloth wipes/washcloths - blog 3/5
family sleeper - blog 1
diaper bin/pail liner - blog 3/5
car seat - blog 4 - PURCHASED
diaper bag - blog 5
breast pads - blog 4
boppy - blog 6
breastfeeding shirts - blog 6
Slings - blog 1/5
play yard - blog 1 - GIFTED
baby hygiene products - blog 6
baby clothes/toys - blog 6/16
breast pump - blog 6
postpartum doula - blog 12/13 KINDA COVERED
couch/bed - blog 4
Health Savings Account - blog 4
subscription to Mothering Magazine - blog 2 - PURCHASED
high chair - someone specific is being asked - CONFIRMED TO BE GIFTED
changing table - blog 6 - GIFTED
baby backpack - blog 9
yoga classes - blog 9
pregnancy photography - blog 12

Blessingway gift ideas - blog 8/ (monkey) - OVER
Baby Shower info - blog 8 - OVER

I feel like I'm asking for a lot, but I imagine that we'll end up getting a lot of it ourselves. I am spending a lot of time and thought on this, at least I'm not running through Target or Sears, just zapping things -"'cause they're cute". I also need to remember that I'm asking for a lot of things not to be given and I'm sure that it will all even out in the end!

Recap on things that we DO NOT need:

bottles and bottle accessories - I have specific requests and need very few - I'll get them myself.
diaper genie
baby monitor
disposable diapers
common rash creams
Johnson & Johnson products

I'm so excited about having this baby, I have to remind myself that I enjoy this part too!! The morning sickness is gone, but I'm waiting to feel the baby move!

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