Wednesday, March 5, 2008

#6 Things Needed After Birth...

I feel like I have "scrambled brain" today, but here I go...

I plan to breastfeed for as long as baby and I decide it works for us. I do hope for at least a year, as recommended by the U.S. Surgeon General, 2 years as recommended by the World Health Organization, is optimal, and anything beyond that is pure bonus!! (Read here for info on extended breastfeeding.) Taking these plans into consideration, I anticipate needing some breastfeeding shirts, because as strange as it may sound, I don't care if someone sees my nipple, I just don't want anyone to see my belly as I pull up my shirt!! There are a few sites that cater to nursing attire, try google-ing, nursing shirts, breastfeeding shirts, or attire, etc. There are a few patterns available. One site I've found offers free catalogs and within them, sketches as to how the shirts work. I've shown my Gramma the catalog and she said, "Well, I can't even tell how they're supposed to work!" My point exactly! I pointed out the page with line drawings and ordered her a catalog for herself, as she's got 2 sisters-in-law that sew (Gr. Aunt C and Gr. Aunt P)!! A few years ago, I found a site that had a quick easy pattern for making any t-shirt into a nursing shirt, but, of course, I cannot find it now. All one would have to do is cut an 11'' vertical slit in the shirt between the breasts, (sew the edges down if rough edges bother you) sew off the top and bottom to prohibit further "slitting", (at your local fabric store) get a 12" square of fabric, place it over the slit, sew the top and bottom edges to the shirt and viola, you've got a nursing T! As for my preferences regarding tops, I like to have at least some sleeve, as I do not like my upper arms and do not wear tank tops. I like loose fitting tops, as I am a well rounded woman, so I don't like clingy material either. While my infant is due in the heat of August, and while anything lightweight I can layer things over, I just thought I'd mention that winter is only a stones throw away. I also, want to give a big shout out to my Gramma, who has already gifted me 2 nursing pajama sets! Thank you, Gramma!

Breast pump - I've got a little research to do on this one. I want to check with Consumer Reports, but so far it recommends renting one. Seeing how I want to breast feed for some time, maybe buying one will be more appropriate for us, I'll let you know!

For Baby...
I might be a little incomplete on this list, but I'll do my best. When considering baby clothes, I'd like to recommend that one go to consignment or second hand stores, I'm not picky about a little stain here or there. I'd like organic for new when it can be afforded (easiest to find on the internet), but when dealing with second hand, we're not encouraging the use of pesticides, we're reusing and recycling, and for the most part any of the yuckies that I'm trying to avoid will be so washed out of the stuff that I won't worry about it anymore. I'd like to stay away from images of well known cartoon characters, as I see it as advertising to my child and my child advertising for them without pay! I do love overalls, on boys or girls! Please remember, the baby is being born in the heat of August, but winter is just around the corner! I have listed an example piece of clothing on I'd also like to mention BabyLegs, they help protect the ankles and calves from the elements when pants ride up!

When it comes to toys, please remember that there won't be a crib, so any of those items that attach to the sides of cribs will be unnecessary. I also want to make the same request as I did with the clothing, that you please try to avoid images of cartoon characters or the like. I admit that I also worry about the chemicals used on stuffed animals and the materials they're made of. Please consider hand made toys of natural material, unstained, natural dyes, etc. I'm not excited by toys that make artificial noise, flash lights, take batteries, etc. or are made in China!!! I have listed on a few toys that are examples and will take you to sites that are good places to start and get an idea of what I'd like my baby to have.

Changing table - this is a rather fancy one, but it has multiple functions and is made of natural and safe materials. Natural (color) is preferred. This request, I admit, is not a need, but if one where so inclined, this is the table I'd like. I like the fact that you face the baby rather than have the baby sideways. If we don't get this CT, I'll just use the piece of furniture that my mother used with me, no biggie!

As far as baby hygiene products, Johnson & Johnson does not interest me. I use organic soaps, moisturizers, and the like, so I want to use the same on the baby. Please visit a site like this one
to get an idea for safer products. There is another I'd like to recommend as soon as I find the link. I do like organic jojoba oil. It takes a long time to go rancid and my favorite brand's motto is, "If you wouldn't put it in your body, don't put it on your body!" Here is a site RE: brands that not to use halogenated fire retardants!

I have a high chair in mind, but someone has offered to make a purchase of something expensive that isn't on our list, so I'm going ask for the high chair instead. If that person is unable or unwilling to get us the chair, I'll be sure to list it in the future!

O.K. - I'd like a boppy too. They've got a new model called the miracle middle, it fits 'more' waist lines! As far as covers go, I'll list a few choices, 2 would be great! I like the organic cover in a soft neutral, the pistachio dots, the pottery barn green chamois, sage boa, vintage toile, and probably my favorite because it has some orange, Rob's fave color: rainforest and stripes.

Like I said, this part of the list seems a little short, but what else does a baby need, clothes, a couple of well made toys (and maybe not even those), mama, and papa.

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